DSO 2810, and windows 10. Problem

DSO 2810, and windows 10. Problem

Postby J. Patrick » Tue Jul 24, 2018 6:22 am

My DSO 2810 doesn't work with windows 10 with my notebook. After installation, a message appears when opening, "DAQ device not found" and the led light of the DSO 2810 doesn't light up. I can see the Oscilloscope on the screen but it doesn't work. Any help?
J. Patrick
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Joined: Tue Jul 24, 2018 6:05 am

Re: DSO 2810, and windows 10. Problem

Postby VirtinsTech » Tue Jul 24, 2018 10:22 am

It looks like the hardware driver has not been installed properly. Please refer to Section 1.3 of the hardware manual on how to manually install the driver and troubleshoot. The hardware manual can be accessed via [Help]>[Hardware Manual] when VT DSO-2810 is selected as the ADC device.

The hardware driver will be installed automatically during software installation and thus there is no need to install the driver manually under normal condition.
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