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Multi-Instrument - DDP (Derived Data Point) Viewer

1. Display the value of a Derived Data Point (DDP) or User Defined Data Point (UDDP) in a standalone window. Maximum 24 windows can be opened.

2. Allow High-High, High, Low, Low-Low alarming. Alarm sounds can be configured. Alarm acknowledgement is supported.

3. Displayed precision can be specified.

4. Allow the user to define a UDDP using mathematical expression. Various math functions are supported.

5. Support inter-frame processing including linear and exponential averaging.

6. Support DDP Array Viewer which can be used to generate the following reports:
    (1) Harmonic Frequencies, RMS, Phase
    (2) Octave Bands, RMS
    (3) Peak Frequencies, RMS, Phases
    (4) Frequency Bands, RMS
    (5) Reverberation / Speech Intelligibility (1/1 Octave)
    (6) Reverberation / Speech Intelligibility (1/3 Octave)

7. Supports Multilingual User Interface under Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 11 and above. Currently supported languages are English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean.


Harmonic Decomposition
Report of Harmonic Frequencies, RMS, Phase

Octave Band Report
Report of Octave Bands, RMS

Reverberation Analysis Report 
Report of Reverberation / Speech Intelligibility (1/1 Octave) based on Impulse Response

Reverberation Report 
Report of Reverberation / Speech Intelligibility (1/3 Octave) based on Impulse Response

 Frequency Response Limit
Frequency Response Test with Pass / Fail Check on Spectrum

  Half Sine Shock Test
Half Sine Shock Test with Pass / Fail Check on Waveform

 Amplitude Modulation Index
Direct Display of Amplitude Modulation Index using User Defined Data Point

DTMF Decoding 
Direct Display of Decoded DTMF Character using User Defined Data Point

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